Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Pics from the 4th - it's still July, after all ;)

July is wrapping up, so what a perfect time to post those 4th of July pics ;)
I guess better late than never... phew, barely squeezed them in.

Giving the cousins their Captain America boxes

Ready to mingle

Well, maybe not

A smooch from uncle Andy...

makes it all better! 

JUUUne as Zekie says

This smacker helps, too! 

First EVER cans of soda drinks enjoyed! 

Ooooo bubbles


Ahhhh again! 

Bubbles were a hit! 

The oldest and youngest attendees - pretty special

With aunt Lizzie

In an aunt Lizzie outfit

Outfit change

Fueling up before wiffleball

Youngest batter up! 

Still snack time for AJ

Can't put down the apple to run the bases!

Not sure about sparkler time or bedtime...

Trying it out

Kind of

Waiting for the fireworks


Pretty cool

Over there, Boo Boo


During this special holiday and always,

let freedom ring! 

Monday, July 29, 2013

7 Quick Takes

Lately, I've been missing my little lap top.  
Like really missing my laptop; to the point of catching myself thinking about the next time I'll sit down with it while watching Bill and Addie use this sucker to watch princess songs on youtube (I'm usually nursing during this time which makes it so much easier to give up haha...).  

You know you want to click below -

BUT lack of sleep (the June bug was up for a 3 hour stretch in the middle of the night last night) and performing diaper surgery over 20 times a day for these two beautiful babes - no joke, not even a little exaggeration there; if you can't read between the lines, that's literal -  can't keep this mama from blogging attempting to post some blogs here and there! 

1.) Here's baby One and what she's been doing lately - 

Dancing around the house in a tutu and little else

Stretching out during snack and show time.

Coloring.  Shocker, I know.  But she DID get new crayons this week so that's exciting.

2.) Here's baby number 2 and what she's been doing lately -

Growing like a weed!  And smiling.  Check out the legs stretched out here.

Working on tummy time

Getting "dressed up" like Mary by the hands of her big sister and mom 

2.)  There hasn't been much on our DVR recently until my sister suggested a show she's been watching on netflex called, Call the Midwife, on PBS.  Bill and I finally watched an episode this week and hope we keep it up because I prefer it to watching the stock market on CNBC.  Plus, I feel like I should get a say in what we watch while I'm nursing on the couch. ;)

I believe you can watch the episodes here as well!  So cool.

3.) When Bill wants to give me a little break, here is what he and Addie usually end up doing - 

Using her slide that I had the bible study girls carry off the street!

Riding tractors at Lowe's

4.) We went to our friend Audrey's 4th birthday party!  At 18 months, AJ thought it was pretty cool to be invited to a 4 year old bday party (I won't tell her it's because Audrey's mom is her mommy's friend) and had a great time at the owl show.  June, of course, slept.

Sitting next to Audrey and the big kids with June asleep at her feet.
Making her "Whooo, whoooo" sound for the owl

Bday girl smiling

5. Addie (and her feet) have been growing so fast that we feel like we are buying her new shoes every month.  And even though she and Bill didn't find another pair of minnie shoes, these are pretty cute, and a SIZE 9:

Target brand but not cheap.  Bill had to hear about it, let me tell you! 

6.  Addie and June have been having some fun grandma time lately and I will forever be in debt to my mom taking them for an afternoon or day once a week to allow me to take a nap or a get chance to run errands.  Mom says not to worry, that we'll be being doing things for her one day when she can't, but I still appreciate it and really love seeing Addie light up when she sees her.  

Here she is wearing grandma's glasses:

She will probably need these some day...

And June trying to talk:

7.  The girls and I have been able to get outside a lot with the cool July weather and it's been oh so lovely! This is what the front of the stroller looks like these days - 

Hey good lookin

Happy start to your week!

*Linking up at conversion diary