Monday, September 30, 2013

Milestone Monday

A milestone happened this weekend.

Not the usual first smile, first tooth, or first step kind of milestone.
Nope, those are wonderfully big and exciting; but this one is more like a breakthrough...
Wait for it...


We were out in a public place and I just couldn't carry her slight 32lb. frame on my hip while carrying the June Bug in her carseat one.more.step.  So I put her down and said, "Boo boo, you need to hold my hand because we are in the parking lot."  AND.SHE.DID.  Then she just stood in the checkout line like a big girl while I made my return.  I about died (and smiled to myself the whole ten minutes we were there).


Now, I'm sure most other moms of 20-month-old independent, cute stinker-pots wouldn't see this as quite as big of a deal as I did; but gosh, she has just refused to do it until now.  So it was a huge deal to me!

BUT... I probably shouldn't push my luck and get too excited because I'm probably jinxing it for our next outing!

Oh well, I'll enjoy it for today anyways.

Any milestones made in your lives lately?

Big Girl Hair Status - a little wavy on rainy days!
Curl shot
Poor Junie has got a way to go.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

5 Faves - Water!

Pool time!!! WHAT?!  I know, crazy for Hoosiers to be in the water at this time of year rather than in jackets and jeans, but Dad so kindly kept the heat on in the pool so we could splish-splash a few more times!  Summer lives on!   

So here are my five faves featuring a little AGUA from the past couple of months!  
Water pretty much saved my life when the June Bug was a newbie!  

Linking up again with the lovely Hallie.

1.) A little blowup pool that fits right on the back deck.  I'm hoping we use it more next summer when little Junie is walking around wanting to cool off with Addie Jo.

AJ back in June, 17 months

I hope that swim diapers never go out of style ;)

2.) Water Tables!  

AJ, 17 mo.

Wanted to include a full outfit shot ;)
Don't know what happened on this day... yikes, momma.  But at least she's in the shade!

Playing with Aunt Jan back in June! 

3.) Paw Paw's creek! Every time we head over to grandma and grandpa's to swim, AJ just HAS to walk over to grandpa's creek and see what's going on.

AJ in July, 18 mo.
Hmmm, I bet my head can fit through these posts to get a better look at those fishies.
Getting into trouble!  This cute stinker would not turn around for a snap shot!

Butterflies like the bridge too! 

AJ, August, 19 mo.  Could be my fave summer pic

Definitely Bill's fave summer pic! 
Venturing out with grandpa!

4.) The pool! 

Sometimes swimming looks better from this angle...
Except when dad's around!  She also loved swimming with grandma when I couldn't get in the pool.
Luckily Bill's tattoo takes away from his good looking tan ;)

Nice Cheeks! 
Sometimes the hose is just as fun as the pool!

5.) Lakes!  We tried and tried to hit up some lakes this past summer but we just weren't able to... but what's better than an hour on the beach in dreary September Michigan weather???  Not much!  

And I'm off to bed so we can turn around and get back to the pool tomorrow!  
You'd think we lived in Florida like the Lobodas!!!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013