JULY, 2014
Since Fall is finally here (although it's been in the 80s all week), I thought it'd be a good time to post the rest of the summer pics, at least before it turns October!
Heehee, nothing like procrastinating for the sake of procrastinating, huh?
We loved seeing all the butterflies in our neighbors flowers this summer. |
I was fortunate enough to take my second weekend trip of the summer - a trip to Boston for a two day
grad school reunion with my girlfriends! It was such a short trip and I wish I could have seen a lot more great friends; but one day, when we hopefully take a week vacation out there in the future, I'll have to make sure to make more rounds to visit people.
We went to all the old stomping grounds - from Newport, RI, to the Rectory we lived in in Fall River, MA, to the 99 we used to go to after the gym (beer and wings after working out is what most people eat after exercising right?) and back to Boston all in 36 hours.
*AND before I flew home on Sunday, I got to spend an awesome 45 minutes with some of my favorite
old roomies and a priest at Boston Logan Airport. Yep, all 8
Martin Family members and
Fr. Jay drove up to have lunch at the airport!!! Gosh do I miss them all!
Old Roomies (Katie and I lived beneath them). |
Fr. Jay and AJ last year! |
New England Trip:
I loved living out here for 5 years! |
We all splurged and got Alex and Ani bracelets at the Newport store. |
Saturday, on our way up to Boston from staying at Kelly's house in Providence (after the night in Newport, phew!), we made a stop at the old Rectory we lived in while in the teaching grad school program we did. This is what we found -
Nothing! It was so sad to see that old place torn down! |
The old drive way where we parked all 5 of our cars! :( |
Later Saturday afternoon, we were fortunate enough to go on a cruise on the Boston Harbor because Meaghan's friend invited us along! It was fabulous, in case you were wondering if a free yacht cruise would be fabulous or not!!! ;)
"My boat" was parked next to the yacht haha! |
Well, hellllllooooo there. |
I kept taking pictures of the planes on top of us and sending them to Addie. Logan is right there to the left. |
Heading back. |
I sure do hope the Williams clan heads back there in a few years together! (hint, hint)
Later on in July, our dear friends Nick and Sarah Rhoades came to visit for a couple of days. Their 3 kids are the cutest things and it was so fun to spend a few days with them.
We just love that family!
We headed to the Zoo -
Noah and Addie - the 2 biggest kids in the stroller - hmmmm how did that happen? |
Charlotte liked the Orangutans. |
June, in her belly shirt, missed the giraffes. |
The babies - June and Violet |
Noah and Bill watching tractors on a computer. That cutie can't get enough tractors! |
Creek fun -
Then we were brave and tried to get a kiddo shot -
Noah was like, "I'm out of here!" |
The girls. and their drinks. |
AJ LOVED playing with the Rhoades' kids! |
And the rest of July pics -
Uncle Andy's Birthday -
I couldn't handle the outfit! |
Too nervous to move or talk here. |
Hi Ari! |
We walked to the splash park up the street from us - June loved the water, but Addie, not so much!
Last but not least, we spotted a new friend by the pool at mom and dad's -
Adios, Juilio!