Since my trusty old newer laptop broke two months ago (yep, it broke after 1.5 years... but I guess it's our fault for not buying the 3 year protection plan, right? EEK), I haven't posted to the blog in LONG while...
But now that I've got a new one in hand, I thought it was time to photo dump some pics from the Christmas Season, in case the girls want to look back at these pics some day... so here's going back to last month -
* We had a fun time picking out a tree... and by that I mean playing with all the dead pine needles -
It was so fun to decorate it too - Addie took it very seriously -
* The girls were really excited to go to
grandpa's school for a kids' Christmas party. I was excited about the
possibility of taking their picture with
Santa, but the girls had other plans of course...
Like getting suckers and tattoos -
This was as close as we got to St. Nick! |
 | was a little too close. |
AJ acted like she didn't see him. |
But the cookies were good -
Addie, look at my sucker. |
And playing chase around aunt Kate was a blast!
Trying to come up with a game plan... |
At least the Sahm boys got a great pic with Santa -
* My mom started a tradition last year of all of us hosting an Advent dinner at each of our houses and it really is such a great way to celebrate throughout the month of December.
We painted ornaments at aunt Katie's -
Colored a Nativity scene at our house -
And exchanged gifts at Andy and Jessie's -
(and I tried to take some pictures of the girls in their dresses beforehand)
Bump shot. |
* We made sure to enjoy the lights in the neighborhood on a couple of mild nights -
*We also had to pick out a special treat for baby Jesus to sing happy birthday with (Addie's idea) -
*Then it was Christmas Eve -
One of the most special traditions we have (over 100 years running) is to have a big shrimp dinner on Christmas Eve. It's so sad that I have no idea where any of those pictures are (or even if we took any) but it's one of the best nights of the year and my parents go all out!
I did get a pic of our tree and stockings though.
The girls each got 3 things and I think they were all a hit!
*And Christmas morning.
- and a toddler
Elsa doll that talks and sings
Despite the look on her face, AJ really enjoyed the little stocking stuffers -
*And Christmas Day afternoon, we celebrated more at mom and dad's -
*Bill was glad that Brian had him in the draw -
And we had fun listening to Addie "sing" in her little microphone.
And I got a picture of the boys playing with their toys outside -
It was such a wonderful Advent and Christmas season and Addie is still talking about it!
We were so blessed to take a trip to Michigan and celebrate with Bill's side of the family, have Janet and Brian in town, see extended family, and all be together over the last two months.
We are truly blessed with love and family and grateful for our Savior's birth!
Happy 2015!