Friday, February 8, 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday

Ok, so this Friday, I made sure to link Quick Takes Friday to the lovely Jen at (Sorry about last week's post)!

Here we go...

1.)  This week, I joined another internet site, Pinterest, that I've been putting off joining for awhile because I thought it might be hard to put down (and, again, I'm not very tech-savvy).  BUT, since my sister, Janet, is pinning creative things for her upcoming WEDDING (most likely this fall; most likely in NYC), I just couldn't say no to her invite ;) - although I'm not sure how to do anything yet but comment and "like" on things that she puts up.  Oh goodness!  But in my defense, I've heard they've changed things around on Pinterest - and I also just don't have the patience to figure something out if it takes me more than 5 minutes - not good, I know.
I hope to figure this site out soon! 

2.)  And speaking of my baby sister, Janet Sahm - the NYC based, oh so stylish supermodely one of the bunch, and one of the co-founders of Verily mag, got engaged to an Aussie a couple of weeks ago!  He does have a name - Patrick Langrell - and is a wonderful match for Janet!  We tease him a little because he is "kind of famous," and would be embarrassed by me writing that!  If you have the time, here is an hour long Theology on Tap session he gave in Sydney, where he started the group 5 years ago - but he's been on EWTN and written and spoke on all things Catholic, especially marriage if you are interested in googling him - good stuff!

Here is a short Trailer for Fr. Robert Barron and Word on Fire Catholic Ministries next film series: "Catholicism: The New Evangelization" (Patrick and his sister, Jessica, make appearances) -

Jan and Pat over Christmas - GOOBERS!
Jan and Pat after a Rugby game in Sydney

3.) We have two college basketball fans routing for the University of Michigan in this household (sad loss to IU but big win over Ohio State this week, I'm told). Here's the smaller of the two ;):

Always up for a snack!

Addie showing her Wolverine spirit at the park yesterday. 50 degrees means we get out!

Although Addie's grandpa would probably rather see her in this - haha

Go Irish!

4.) This past Tuesday, one of the Bible Study groups I belong to had an early Fat Tuesday party; since we meet every other week, the next one wont be until after Lent starts.  Any gathering based around food is not something I ever miss!  So we put aside the book we are reading, Breaking Through: Catholic Women Speak for Themselves, which is fabulous and highly recommended but I'll save that for another time... and we feasted!       

The good looking gang of girls at my sister, Katie's, who runs the bible study

5.)  This past week Addie Jo and I went to Babies and Bagels at St. Joan of Arc.  It's the one social thing a month we do, so we try not to miss it!

Addie snagged some kid's treat! That stinker! (takes after her mom with the treats)

6.) Aunt Kay Kay (Katie) came over this week for a movie night with Bill and I and made it over in time to read Addie her nighttime book.  We all love that she lives 5 minutes away! 

Aunt Katie and AJ reading her Mary book!

7.) And lastly but definitely not leastly (ok, that's definitely not a word, but anyways), I HAVE to give a shout out to two of the greatest friends who have surprisingly mentioned me in their 7 Quick Takes Friday blogs:  Colleen and Kristin, who not only are faith-filled and beautiful people and writers, but mothers and wives too.  I can only hope to be half the women they are!  You're the best, ladies!

Colleen and Phil, parents of 5, who live in MA

Maz (Kristin) and Matt, parents of 4, who live in FL


  1. Oooh, thanks for the info on Patrick, now I can stalk him! Ha, Phil and I just watched that clip and it made me so proud to be a Catholic. I miss you and Katie so much!

    1. Of course we miss you, too! AND we hope to host you this August but I just wish we had a private jet to get you all out here!!!

  2. Hi Sarah! It's Laura--remember me!! I just found out you were expecting #2-congrats! You've got the two girls and I've got the two boys!!

    You can see some pics of them over here--->

    1. Yes of course I remember you! Your two lil guys are super cute! I will check out your blog, thx! Hope you 4 are doing well!

  3. Thanks for the shout out :).

    Jan and Patrick are the cutest! Can't wait to listen to the link.

    Love that Addie is snagging others treats :).

    I am going to look into Breaking Through for our prayer group. Thanks for suggestion.

  4. Yes you should check out the book! I actually higher I ordered one for u on amazon for Christmas but it never came in the mail and of course I never checked on it. BUT I could still send you one of course!


Gracias for saying Hola!