Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tasteful Tuesdays

D e s s e r t !

I probably shouldn't be eating SOOOO many sweets this late into pregnancy BUT when you have your grandmother over for dinner, it would be rude not to have dessert, right?  Yep.  And sometimes Jelly Belly's should be in my belly... anyways.

So the easiest thing I always have on hand and think to do is... make a pie.

This is to help make the piece of pie (or 2nd piece) look smaller

I always keep pre-made pie crusts (they come in a pack of two) in the freezer to just pull out and use whenever necessary.

Then I just use whatever frozen fruit I have  - but I tend to buy a bag most weeks at the grocery so it's almost always on hand!  Tonight it was - 

Then just throw in a little lemon juice, if available; some sugar (0c-1c, depending on how sweet you like it, or not sweet at all), and maybe some flour, if you feel like it.  Oh yea, and some slices of butter on top of the fruit once the fruit is poured into crust... if you feel like it.  I don't think you can go wrong by just dumping fruit in! 

Now here is the oh so tricky part - hope you are sensing the sarcasm - the crumble topping.  I like to throw this concoction on top rather than a second pie crust because it's not as "heavy" "fattening".  Well I'm not sure the word to use because neither is true - but it tastes "lighter"? for summer months.

You can really make it however you want to or look up a recipe, but I use the following ingredients without measuring anything, just until it looks like it's a crumb topping.  Maybe start with 1/4c of everything.  But always add more butter ;)

Melted Salted Butter
Brown Sugar
White Sugar
sometimes nuts if available.

Just keep mixing with a fork and then adding what you think it needs - more butter never hurts! 

Bake at 350 for an hour or so.  Easy and always a success!  

2nd piece during Pacer game.  I wasn't supposed to tell anyone that.

And just in case you wanted to know - the baby bug is pushing this laptop off my stomach probably because she's on a sugar high! 

Cheers and happy pie "making."


  1. Ummmm Yummmm! Love that you just whip up a pie! And I always use Pillsbury pie crusts...they are the best! Enjoy!

    1. I know they are so easy, fast, and seem to turn out better than my homemade ones :)

  2. Mmmmmm, I have a gfree pie crust in my freezer waiting for this to be made :).

    do you thaw out fruit or just put it in frozen?

  3. best pie ever!! I will be coming back to this page (since I probably won't take the time to write it down) my whole life long :).

    1. You are so funny! I'm cracking up at that Matt with pie pic you posted of him eating the pie! And thanks for linking me!


Gracias for saying Hola!