Friday, July 12, 2013

5 Favorites - Summer Edition

Linking up with Hallie at Five Faves today!

1.) One of my all time FAVORITE holidays is the

 I've been itching to post about this year's festivities but have about 100 pics to sort through.  I will definitely get around to doing it for the "blog book" of pics I'll want to print at the end of the year...
In the meantime, here's a preview - 

June with a little smirk

Addie and Bill with BIG "wows"

2.) Seeing American flags everywhere.  Nothing says summer, or the 4th, like flags out and about. 

3.) The fact that NEON is back.  And I mean really back.  Not only is every running shoe and sports bra available in any neon color, but neon nail polish is everywhere!  LOVE!

Neon Orange!
Not sure if i love the color or the fact that I can actually paint my toe nails now more 

4.) Wine glasses with chalk board paint on them.  We received some of these for our wedding and they are one of the best gifts we didn't register for!  They are great for large gatherings or even for a few of us and they've come in handy a lot!  (I'm also a fan or wine charms for glasses with stems but these are great and different!)

And they even work for mojitos!  A new summer experiment cocktail.

Sister Night

*I'm not sure where our friends got them from, but I found similar (or the same) ones at Pier 1 - check them out for yourselves or as gifts!!!

5.) Speaking of chalk, sidewalk chalk is definitely one of my faves (along with Addie's).  Check out our work :)

June Bug critiquing our work

What are some of your summer favorites? 


  1. Your Fourth of July pictures are precious! The fireworks one! I love it!

    We love sidewalk chalk here too...And bubbles...bubbles...bubbles! And of course, my new find from Patty at Reasons for Chocolate...The Water Table! If you don't have one...please get one. Addie will spend hours outdoors with it! : )

    Enjoy your sweet babies, friend!
    And your man too! : )

    1. Bubbles! Okay, I need to go to the dollar tree to stock up!

  2. At first I thought Addie drew some of those pics, and I was like Baby Picasso!!!

    Glad you're practicing mixing drinks for our trip next month!!!

    1. Yes, we will def. have mojitos when you come out - that's why I'm growing mint in the backyard ;)


Gracias for saying Hola!