Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Welcome to the world, June Mercedes Williams!

Since today is the start of July, I figured it was a good time to post what most exciting thing happened to Casa Williams in June, even as sleep deprived as we still are...

We are so blessed to have welcomed our little June bug on June 11, 2013 at 4:48am!  She was 9 lbs. 10 oz. and gets cuter every day!  

She has been with us a little over 2 weeks and we are so in love!  Big sister Addie Jo has done so well with her little sister too - we are truly blessed to have these two angels in our lives! 

Here are some shots of the first couple days of her life - (MANY more to follow)

Cheese covered! 

Good thigh shot!  She would have been 11 lbs. if she came closer to due date! 

Oh Junie June! 

LOVE the paws! 

Proud Papa

Grandma and Grandpa visiting at the hospital

Add caption
Nothing better than time with grandpa

More awake time

Great Grandma Reva visited us at the hospital - and she told us that she had a cousin named June!

Guess who else came to the hospital to visit the June Bug?  Big Sister Addie Jo!

Not so sure about what I'm about to see, mom.



She's not so bad, really

Don't mind the crumbs.

Hi, Bug.

Halftime chat with Dad

Uh oh, she moves and cries?  Hmmm

Dad seems to like her.  Guess we'll take her home!

Another pic, guys???

Time to go home! After checking in on Sunday night to get induced and June coming 36 hours later, we were excited thrilled to get home to sweet Adelaide on Thursday!  
We can't thank my parents enough for taking care of Addie those 4 days! 

Bye, hospital!  Hello, crazy world! 

June Bug, we love you so much already and are so glad you are here!  We have been blessed with the wonderful gift of YOU!  


  1. Ooohh Sarah! I have been waiting for this! Congratulations to you all!!!!

    She is beautiful...just perfect! I love all the hospital pictures...and the ones with now big sister are precious!

    Her pink coming home hair bow = LOVE!

    Congratulations again, bloggy friend! Enjoy your new baby time! : )

    1. Thank you - you are so sweet! We are just so in love - I think we'll keep her around ;)
      And dressing girls is the best! So bows will be in order for as long as she'll wear them!
      Addie Jo has been doing great with her which is a great surprise!
      Happy 4th to you and yours!

  2. Her feet are so huge in that last photo!! I can't wait to hold and snuggle and breathe her in! I hope you are able to rest a little, Sarah (haha!) and we'll see you in just over a month!!!!!!!!!

    1. I know! The long feet and toes! AND she's long in general - no joke - she literally is growing out of outfits each week. And it seems like we can see her getting bigger!
      The first two weeks were great while running on adrenaline but then it's like hitting a wall going into week 3 - and it might be the fact that she's not sleeping as much at night ;). But don't worry, I've already had margaritas and brewkies here and there haha!

  3. Girlfriend knows how to accessorize! She must be reading Verily. So happy for you, Sarah!

    1. Haha, yes Verily!
      Jan just told me that you are having a boy! Gosh, I had no idea - so exciting! I've been thinking about you all and hope the last couple of weeks goes well! Can't wait to see a pic of that little cutie who will be here soon.
      Also, how can I get to your blog? I don't think I see it anymore...

  4. I cannot express how much I LOVE this post and your picture captions. I keep reading it over and over again.


Gracias for saying Hola!