Sunday, October 20, 2013


I have been sitting on pins and needles waiting for this Friday morning to role around (or errr, for Saturday night) so I could link up with Jen and the gang to post this, especially -

What a Beauty! 

1.) VERILY MAGAZINE's Nov/Dec issue has arrived!
It's just fabulous - the issues just keep getting better and better.  The blood, sweat, and tears that have gone into putting a start up magazine into print is all more than I can comprehend but I think that now, more than ever, the women in our society NEED this!  I hope and pray that Verily will get the funding it needs to keep going!

See if you can spot Verily at Barnes and Nobles, NYC: 

I spy...

TA DAH! Janet and Kara

2.) Janet Sahm and Kara Eschbach were interviewed on Live from the Couch on CBS New York on Monday! CHECK IT OUT HERE!!!  

Yeah, girls! 

3.) Just in case you live under a rock aren't married to a TIGERS FAN, you might not know that the post season of Major League Baseball is being played right now.  Tigers vs. Red Sox.  Or Red Sox vs. Tigers, I should say?  I've spent a lot more time watching hanging around Fenway pubs and listening to my Boston friends talk about why they live and DIE for their Red Sox over and over again than I have watched the Tigers.  My first year of Grad School was the year they Broke the Curse after 86 years. So I kind of had to become a semi-fan, or at least someone who appreciates that old historical ball club, especially since Indy doesn't have a team.  BUT Fr. Jay will probably rub it in Bill's face incessantly if the Sox win, so I'm kind of routing for Detroit at this point. 
Anyways, as I'm posting this, GAME 6 is going on...

We'll soon see if the Tigers make it to Game 7 but if they do, they will be playing at the same time as Peyton plays the Colts for Sunday night football.  Hmmmm... Bill might have to purchase a 2nd tv for the house! 

Okay, Red Sox just hit a grand slam.

4.)  Yikes.  Moving on.  
Addie and June went to the Princess Abode Miss Molly's house for her second birthday party last Sunday and it was the cutest Care Bears themed party EVER! 

Cutie Patootie Birthday Girl!

Watching on (with coveted princesses in hand)

Junie in her party dress.  Go TIGERS.

And just in case you didn't see AJ's tights up close - 

5.) I just recently found out that a second movie of the BEST MOVIE EVER is being made and I don't know if I can handle it, I'm that exited!!!!

I guess it took Jim Carrey 2 decades to agree to it but who else could be Lloyd Christmas???

I guess it's called, Dumb and Dumber To.  Good one.

6.) And speaking of Harry Dunne Jeff Daniels, I guess the show he's in on HBO, Newsroom, is pretty remarkable.  Since we are considering dropping cable, I don't see us paying for any more channels, BUT this video on YouTube is pretty interesting and makes me want to get it - Definitely worth watching!!!

7.) And even though more fun things happened this week (like mom's bday), I will save those things for other posts and end with this - my one and only Pumpkin Spice Latte of the season.  AND it's kind of a big deal because I haven't gotten a Starbucks in a long time because of this.  Why did my Pumpkin Spiced Latte have to make a stance at all?  What purpose did it serve?  Anyways, I wasted spent the $4.91 on this ORANGE goodness as a special treat - 

Don't mind the sliced finger - thought I'd put it in for effect... yummy! :-/ 


Happy October Weekend, Friends!
And I'll leave you with a cool Verily quote card - one of the many things I LOVE about this magazine - 

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