Monday, November 4, 2013

7 QUICK TAKES - Priests, Leaves, and Soup

A tree at our park - and this is why I LOVE FALL sooooo much! 

I wanted to write a 7 Quick Takes Friday for last week because it was such a FUN week, but then more fun things kept happening and I didn't have time to get it all together... but here's a QUICK (relatively speaking writing) wrap up of last week!

Linking up with the Lovely Jen, like always!

1.) Fr. Jay's Visit - I know I already mentioned Fr. Jay coming out to Indy to visit us when I wrote about all the FOOD we ate while he was here, but we really had so much fun catching up, having daily mass, conversing until late in the night, and watching the Red Sox!  Oh yea, and did I mention eating?!

The good looking ones around the fire pit.

Addie Jo definitely warmed up to Fr. Jay, eventually!
I teased Fr. Jay (nothing new there), about seeing him without his "blacks" because he ALWAYS wears them, except while on vacation! 

Junie didn't like the smoke from the fire or the camera flash in her face very much!

Fr. Jay and I got to go on a couple of walks and some of the leaves had finally changed!

Never gets old! 

2.) With cooler nights, we are looking forward to having fires in our miniature fire place and we are so grateful that Dad is sharing some of their wood with us. ;)

He said he finally smarted up and rented a log splitter!

3.) We celebrated Bill's birthday last week and just kept on celebrating, and celebrating.  We had a coupon for a free dinner for him at Sahm's Place that expired at the end of October.  So on October 31, nothing like waiting until the last minute, we made it over there for a healthy meal of fish and chips… and onion rings… and ranch for dipping...

When deciding not to order the meatloaf sandwich, Bill literally said, at least I chose a healthy option because I got fish.  The best part was - he wasn't kidding! 

Grrrr… We don't get out much!

4.) Addie helped me make Matzo Ball Soup this week:

5.) Then I thought she joined the clean plate club when she showed me this:

But then when she got out of her chair, I realized I'd been duped:

6.) We weren't able to take the girls out Trick or Treating because Halloween was postponed until Friday because of the bad weather on Thursday - which meant Bill wasn't off work anymore, so the girls and I handed out candy instead.  Which, honestly, was probably the funnest thing Addie could have thought of:

Checking out the Trick or Treater situation

And then the next day, she wanted to wear the dragon top as a jacket to the park:

At least she matches! 

7.) And finally, Halloween has come and gone so it's time to put away our few decorations and get out... CHRISTMAS MUGS!!!

I'm such a mug girl (someone who loves to chose a different mug in the mornings for coffee… that's a thing, right?).  Silly, I know, but we have so many great Christmas mugs and only get to use them for a month, so even though we won't get out decorations until Advent/December starts, I thought I'd ask Bill to find them in a Christmas bin so we can use them a little longer this year!

So until next week, I'll hopefully be happily drinking my coffee in festive mugs this November! 

And just one more shot of some FALL COLOR, just incase you haven't seen enough yet :)


In our hood, around the corner

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