Tuesday, February 25, 2014

5 FAVES - Red Carpet Dresses This Season… So Far

With the Academy Awards around the corner, I thought I'd post the five red carpet dresses I've seen this award season that I've paused at and thought, "Wow!"
You know, those dresses that make you notice the person and the dress she's in, NOT what part is hanging out or being revealed!  If there's too much skin much showing, it's hard to even notice the dress.

I am definitely not my fashionable sister, but I just couldn't help gush over these five dresses…
AND I'm hoping that the Oscars this Sunday will give me at least five fabulous dresses for another Five Fave Red Carpet Dress Post next week… 

And off we go -

Amy Adams, Critics' Choice Awards, who totally pulled off a color most can't!  


Nupita Nyongo, Golden Globes


Julianna Margulies, Golden Globes


In a similar style dress, Kelly Osborn, Grammy's


Olivia Wilde, Golden Globes, rocking the bump

These ladies (and their stylists) killed it as they say!
Are there any that I missed?

Linking up with the oh so fun Hallie at Moxiewife.com on a bitter blustery day.

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