Friday, June 13, 2014

7 Quick Takes Friday - A Bug and Monkeys

Our little Junie Bug turned 1 this week and we I couldn't help but go a bit overboard with playing out the lady bug theme (well, we've pretty much been doing it this whole first year to the bug).  But my thought is that there will be a time when we don't have a say in costumes, themes, decor, etc. so I'll roll with it while I can…
I feel so blessed to have her in our lives, and Addie too, and don't know what I've done to deserve them.  They are truly heavenly! 
Happy Birthday to June! 

She's gotten a few cute lady bug cards as well.

To get a dog or not to get a dog?  That is NOT the question although Bill wishes it was - even though yes, Junie makes the cutest barking sounds, and yes, she flails her arms and legs and screams she gets that excited when she sees a dog - BUT I would be the one home with it all the time and since I don't look forward to potty training our kids, it's the end of that story.

June, along with Addie Jo and Bill, likes to make monkey sounds (in addition to her dog barks).
These 3 monkeys kind of talk to each other AS monkeys.  
Junie likes to make the big gorilla-like sounds rather than the "little" monkey sounds, too, which is hysterical.
So you can imagine what the car ride was like heading down to the zoo to see the new orangutan exhibit

AJ kept saying that Azy was SO CUTE.

It was so fun to just take our time and watch all of the orangutans.  They are all so unique and cool and I'm sure we'll be back lots this summer!
Yoga time with Rocky! 
We love the zoo! 

The bigger of our two monkeys has been flipping through an enormous bridal magazine to help aunt Janet find a dress! 
And when I say flipping through the mag, I really mean flipping through each and every page over and over again, asking if I like this or that!  
She's a girl after her aunt Jan's heart, that's for sure.

Good thing she's highly involved in the process ;) ;) because we just got this in the mail today - the cutest invites to be in the wedding -
We accept, Jan!!!


I feel like I need to tune into the world cup this year because I've been loyal to watching the past three world cups; but I just haven't yet because of how much controversy there's been for the Brazilians in Rio… kind of makes it hard to get excited about it you know?
Hmmm.  Any thoughts?

Happy Feast Day of St. Anthony of Padua.
A Franciscan and Doctor of the Church!
Patron Saint of Lost Things, pray for us.

St. Anthony was really unknown to me until I lived close by one of the most beautiful churches I've ever seen, St. Anthony of Padua, in New Bedford, MA, and a priest friend got me to love this saint!

I was even fortunate enough to see the Vienna Boys' Choir perform a Christmas concert there.  It was unforgettable!

And finally -
Happy Father's Day to Bill, my dad, Bill's dad, Fr. Jay and all priests (we call them father), and all dad's who have touched our lives in a special way - Thank you!
(We'll be celebrating next weekend by going to a state park - can't wait!)
Father's Day 2013

Linking up with Jen, oops, I mean Kathryn this week.

1 comment:

  1. The Lady Bug theme is just too adorable not to go crazy with it and have a blast. Happy Birthday to your Junie Bug!
    Your daughter with the bridal magazine, now that is a true girly girl. I used to be the same way when I was little. I thought bridal gowns were just heavenly.
    Those wedding party invites are such a great idea! And so cute.

    Have a great weekend!


Gracias for saying Hola!