Monday, September 15, 2014

Summer Pics 2014 - The Month of June (not to be confused with the June Bug, who was born in June)

JUNE, 2014

Here are some pics of things we did this past June -

This pic might make you think that practicing the bike was successful this summer.  Think again!

June was the only time the mosquitos weren't attacking June!

-The girls loved pool time at grandma and grandpa's this summer, but what we thought was a good idea - to put Connie's gate up for the little ones to play in - never really panned out!

I think June's begging for food - starving, that one… can't you tell?

Let me out! 
That's better!

… That might be because by the end of the summer, June was doing this - 
I'm free! Look guys, no hands! 

There was also Sahm boys' lemonade stand -

A tornado warning that sent us to the basement for an afternoon - 
Hanging out in unfinished basement = computer movies

There were raspberries to pick -

And at the end of June, my sister Katie and I went to visit my sister Janet in her new city - Pittsburgh!
It was such a fun, super quick 2 day sister getaway, filled with eating and exploring the city, and I could really enjoy it because the girls were in great hands for that weekend - 

6 hour road trip! 
I loved Pittsburgh! 
Janet's little apartment on the 3rd floor.
Her little deck
Pittsburgh skyline, from Mt Washington.  The reception and hotel for Janet's wedding are on this side of the river.

St. Anthony's - holds the most relics outside of Rome - and I can't wait to visit again in October! 

While we were in Pittsburgh, we got these pictures from Mom and Dad, who had the girls on Saturday - 

*Even though these didn't turn out to to be the flower girls dresses, they were too cute not to share.

And pics from Bill, who had the girls the rest of the time - 
Yep, Bill's handiwork! 

- A few more pics from the month - 
The June bug liked/likes visiting Addie in time out.  EVERY.SINGLE.TIME.SHE'S.THERE.

 - June really started to love visiting all the yard statues, especially Mary, of course - 

Yes, June is in the front yard in her diapers.  Where's her mother???!!!
She also likes to steal the neighbor's gnome.

...Mary's not the only statue she likes to love on!
Oh Jumie!

And that's a June wrap! 


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