Monday, November 17, 2014

7 Quick Takes - A Pittsburgh Wedding (and lots of random pics from our trip)

I've been wanting to post some pictures from Janet and Brian's big day back in October, but I don't really have any WEDDING pics per say (just a few I snagged from my aunts) - but what I do have is LOTS of pics of the girls from our trip to Pittsburgh.
I will definitely post some actual wedding pics when they come in.

The girls LOVED the hotel.  How could they not, with grandma and grandpa and their cousins on either side of them with connecting doors!?  It was a true mini-vacation for us!  
Grandpa met them on arrival!
And what kid doesn't want to run down a hotel hallway?
Looking out our window - we were right on the river! 
The girls thought it was the coolest thing!  And the train went along side the river so Addie Jo would squeal and run to the window whenever it went by.

Breakfast in the hotel those 3 days looked like this.
And they recruited our roommate for some book reading.

Right outside our hotel was one of the last remaining inclines or "sky train" as AJ called it.  It was fun to imagine how many people used this over a hundred years ago!
The reception site, Grand Concourse, and our hotel are down below.  
Checking out the view from Mt. Wasington

One of the most exciting parts of the trip for the girls was riding this little 3 animal carousel outside our hotel that didn't work and had to be pushed manually.  Hysterical!

Getting the girls off of this thing while kicking and screaming was probably the hardest part of the trip!

Then it was the night of the rehearsal - 

The Rehearsal Dinner was on a RIVERBOAT put on by Brian's parents and it was pretty amazing to see the skyline of Pittsburgh at night! 
Aunt Jessie with Addie and Zekie.
Then it was Friday, the wedding day!
After getting our hair done in the morning, I snapped a couple of picks of the cathedral on our way back to the hotel - it's breathtaking -

Nothing like taking some pics out of the car window! 

I loved their little purses!  

Because I didn't have my phone on me at the ceremony or afterwards for pictures, I'm so glad that Brian's cousin took a couple of June in the leaves and shared them with me at the reception.

June Mercedes outside of St. Paul's Cathedral, Pittsuburgh, after aunt Janet's wedding ceremony.
This has to be one of my favorite pics of all time -

Then it was off to the reception from our hotel - 

The Reception was held at the Grand Concourse (a historic train and boat station).  It was breathtaking!

Good shot, aunt Kathy! The kiddos weren't playing under the table yet! 

The bride and her aunts.
June trying to snuggle Addie, who passed out on the bench with grandma! 

And finally, it's goodnight from the ones who had to turn in the earliest - 

Happy Wedding and Life, Janet and Brian Easter!!!

Linking up with Kelly from Friday! 

1 comment:

  1. Love love love love love!!!!
    Your babies are beautiful!
    Loved the pics...all of them. : )


Gracias for saying Hola!