Tuesday, April 26, 2016

House Pics - THE BEFORE

As we are coming up on the year anniversary of buying our "new" house this week (we closed on our old house two days before closing on this one!), I wanted to post some pictures of what the house looked like when we bought it last April.

*We didn't actually move in until the end of August (much to my parents' chagrin, I'm sure), but I've been wanting to post some true BEFORE pics of the house as it was when we bought it last spring.

Here are pictures of the main floor:

The front of the house -
I definitely don't miss the huge bushes blocking the front porch house!

Front Door

Front Hall Closet -

And the stairwell to the right of the closet - 

Living Room off to the right of the entryway - 

Whenever we'd come over in the beginning, the girls would play with this desk in the corner - if only we'd have kept it... we wouldn't need toys in this now toy room!

Or they'd run around in the yard that seemed huge compared to our last one -

Next is the family room (WOOD ROOM) off to the left of the entry way -
It had 4 walls with a doorway on two different walls.  Now it just has two walls - the two shown below.  To the left is the outside wall and has two windows on it.  And the fireplace wall is still intact.

Here is a shot from the kitchen entrance into the room.  Both windows shown.  Looking towards the front porch and the entryway behind that wall on the left -

Looking in from the kitchen again - 

In the room, facing the kitchen -

Last one of the wood room - facing the wall that divides this room from the entryway -

The breakfast space - looking at from the wood room doorway - 

Kitchen from the breakfast area.  The cabinets were just painted white from ORANGE after the house sat on the market for awhile... little did the sellers know I LOVE ORANGE... well, just not as a cabinet color...

Breakfast room/kitchen shot - 

Breakfast/kitchen area, facing the pantry doors and the wood room behind them-

Not sure if I miss the pantry space or the green and orange backsplash more... OK, pantry space is a clear winner!  
Through the doorway behind the fridge is the dining room -

Dining room facing the fridge in the kitchen-

Dining room facing the back yard (small space at 12'x13', but carpeted so that made up for it ;)) - 

And on our way out of the main floor, the back hallway to the screened in porch is off the kitchen, with the garage to the left, laundry and half bath off to the right - 

And lastly - a pic from the day we bought it - Bill looking at mine and Dad's, I mean Dad's, plans to get this renovation party started!!!
Bill, you sure have been a good sport about it all... haha and we've lived to tell the tale... so far! xoxo

Looking back at these reminds me of how far we've come! 
It's weird to think that this time last year all of our stuff was still in storage and I was pregnant with Trip - pretty wild the changes a year can bring!  

Oh house!: you're still such a work in progress, you've been a ton of work, and we've needed help and support from our wonderful family over the past year; BUT you've done us good so far as they say!  And after a year, I think I can say it's been worth it for our young family of five.  

Stay tuned for some of the AFTER pics coming soon if you dare! 
Although don't expect the kitchen to have gone back to orange.  If so, you'll be hugely disappointed!  

1 comment:

Gracias for saying Hola!