Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Five Faves for Sniffly Babes

Stuffy noses seem to rule our house these days.  
With our 1.75 year old, it's a little easier to wipe the runs that come from her cute button nose; but with our 4 month old, we feel helpless in helping her find relief.   Sometimes I tell her to just breathe through her mouth, but when she looks at me like she has no idea what I'm saying, we have to resort to helping the poor Bug out however we can! 

And THIS might work for some, but we haven't tried it... yet - 

The snot sucker

Here's what we do to get by, and although these things are nothing new, they definitely make up my five faves this week ;) - 

1. Use Baby Vicks on the bottoms of her feet - 

2. Crank up a cool mist humidifier in the girls' room -

3. Run a steam shower -

4. Put a folded towel under her mattress to elevate her a bit - 

Something like this ;)

5. And when nothing else seems to work, have the hubs sleep with her upright in the BIG BLACK RECLINER- 

Any other remedies used in your houses?

Linking up with Hallie Jenny and the girls at Mama Needs Coffee this week!


  1. Is that lady sucking the snot into her mouth? BLECH!

    We use the Boogie Snatcher (as we call it) that we get from the hospital while the babies are still little. The secret to successful snatching is to squeeze the ball part and then put it right up against the inside of their nose (not just into their nostril) and release. It's so gross and I love it. We have done the Vicks on feet for coughs, and for some reason it does work! Unfortunately, the sitting upright seems to help the best, or at least putting baby on their side propped up. Good luck!

    1. yes, we have a "little noses" thing like that that has an angled tip but she SCREAMS so we try not to use it... thx!

  2. Oh...I know...the sniffles in those tiny ones are sooo hard...

    I'm with Colleen...Sitting up right always seems to work best.

    And for the older ones...Boogie Wipes are awesome! Got mine at Walmart. Flynn just says now, "Mom...I need my Boogie Wipes, please!"

    And for mom...Coffee...lots of coffee. : )

  3. OK, I'm all for the mom-powerd snot sucker contraption. Nothing beats it. When a congested baby is standing between me and sleep, it's suddenly a lot less gross.

  4. We've got the sniffles here too. I haven't tried that snot sucker...I'm too afraid haha.

    We've had the humidifier going, sat in the bathroom with a hot shower running and instead of vapo rub I've been trying out essential oils. I've mixed some Lavender with some lotion and rubbed it on his feet and that seems to help. I've also hear that peppermint essential oil mixed with some lotion rubbed on their chest also helps.

    1. Ooooo the essential oils sound like a winner. Thx!

  5. We have that snot sucker thing, hog don't suck it up cause you put a tissue in the bulb and it all goes in there. I think it's gross so Peter always does it but it works really of my kids actually likes it. I think it would feel really weird!!

    1. Haha, yea, me too. But you gotta do what you gotta do, right!? Thx!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. The snot sucker is miraculous (and not gross when you see it in action in person). That's all I can say about THAT! And, yep, yep...your tips are all great ones!

    1. Haha, thanks! Maybe we will have to resort to it. We have a "little noses" brand hand squeezer with an angled tip and she HATEs when we use it - but maybe we'll try the big contraption!

  8. Do the snot sucker! It really works! But do saline up the nose first to help loosen everything up. They don't love it (you'll feel like you are waterboarding your kid) but the end result is so worth it!

    1. Haha thanks, it looks like we might have to cave and get one!

  9. I agree, the picture of the snot sucker doesn't really make me want to purchase it. But, if it works...
    We use/do a lot of what you've said and others. I've also found using Eucalyptus oil under their noses and chests and feet (like the Vicks) to help open their sinuses up a bit. It's so hard when you just want to be able to blow their little noses for them.
    ~ Erika Marie via Mama needs coffee

    1. Right!
      Yea, I think those oils seem to help, too!
      And why is blowing noses such a hard concept for little ones? haha. Our one year old is still working on that one! ;)

  10. Our seven year old is still working on it.

  11. just so happened to click on you from 5 faves and to be completely honest, that thingy you have pictured is in my amazon cart right this minute. my friend uses it and LOOOOVES it and no, it does not go IN your mouth at all, well, the snot doesn't, just the sucking apparatus. whatevs. I need something for this little adorable bebe of mine with the teenie tiny airway passages. lol
    just thought it was sooo funny you were talking about it and that I was about to purchase it this week!

    1. That IS so funny! (sorry I meant to reply earlier to your comment)
      Have you gotten it? Does it work? I'd love to know!
      Our June Bug is doing better but I'm sure the stuffy noses will happen multiple times this winter - this is probably just the beginning!

  12. I just want to weigh in here... I was completely grossed out by the snot sucker, and then my kid got a cold and couldn't nurse. I bought it along with a bunch of other homeopathic nonsense, and that thing is FANTASTIC. My husband I were always (perversely) thrilled to see how much came out (so he wasn't trying to breathe past it... or swallow it... blech). So if you cave and get it - I think you'll be sold. Another bonus - I sanitize it in the dishwasher. :)


Gracias for saying Hola!