Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tasteful Tuesday - Fr. Jay Style

This weekend, we were so fortunate to have our dear friend and Addie Jo's Godfather visit us from Massachusetts - Fr. Jay!  And even though we had a great time visiting, playing board games, watching games on TV, walking, etc., we did what we like to do most, 
and that's EAT

Addie and Fr. Jay by the fire

So this Tasteful Tuesday is an over the top tribute to Fr. Jay Mello, who could possibly be the only other person on the planet who enjoys food eating, cooking, and talking about food as much as we do (well, and maybe including this family, too)!  

Here's how we celebrated his visit:

Preparing Friday night's Italian feast. Katie's hands hard at work.

The messy gnocchi counter

Slaving away

The Table at Mom and Dad's

Gluten free meatballs, gnocchi with butter thyme sauce, chicken salta boca

Salta Boca with prosciutto 

I forgot to take a picture of DESSERT, probably because it wasn't very pretty, but it tasted great, nonetheless!  I also added 3/4 of a bag of white chocolate chips to it and it was a hit!

Part of Saturday morning dessert breakfast -

Sticky Buns before going into the oven

Saturday night = DESSERTS

Mulled Wine

Apple Cider

Sugar Cookies

BAT Brownies

And finally, Sunday football food:

Queso, Buffalo Chicken Dip, and Pico = football food!

What a great way to celebrate the weekend.  
Thanks for visiting, Fr. Jay! 
We look forward to gaining another 5 pounds next time, too! 


  1. Aaaaaahhhh, I'm so jealous! He got to see your girls before me! It looks like the perfectly planned Sahm weekend filled with food and family. I love it.

  2. What a perfect weekend! Friends, family, and food, food, food!!!!!

    And pasta to boot!

    Yummmmmmmmmmm! : )

  3. SARAH-- the picture with the desserts and that one tray of veggies looks like it was staged!!!

    1. Haha, you mean the tray of veggies that Grandma left from dinner?
      It definitely doesn't belong but I left it there before peeps came over for the fire.
      Don't know about staging but I did put it all out as the dessert table!


Gracias for saying Hola!