Friday, February 14, 2014

7 Quick Takes - St. Valentine's Day

Feliz Dia de San Valentin!  

As I sit down to quickly look back at the week, big snow flakes are falling down outside.  
The wind is not too strong, blowing the snow about, no, it is a soft quiet that only allows the landing flakes a cushion of silence. 

Okay, that's my poetry for the day… moving to some 7 quick takin on Valentine's Day - 

1.)  This is what the girls woke up to at the breakfast table:
Can you guess which one is for which cutie?

2.)  Bill works a late shift today, so Mom was kind enough to come over and watch the girls for two hours this morning so we could get out and celebrate by going to the post office, the dollar store, and then to brunch.
Thanks, mom! 

Bill ordered me a mimosa at Good Morning Mama's down the street.
Gets better with age, doesn't he?

3.) We of course had to pick up some balloons for the girls while at the Dollar Tree - 

This, on the other hand, Bill did NOT allow me to pick up:

4.) Then Grandpa stopped by with these for the 3 Williams' girls:

I sent this pic to Bill at work and he said these flowers from grandpa make him look bad and I said, nah, you got me a mimosa!

5.) Addie's been into CHEESING it lately:

And wearing her cowgirl hat as much as possible:

6.) Then the smaller one, she's getting lazy - check this shot out - 

Not holding the bottle and letting it all hang out.  I mean do I have to do everything around here? ;)

And then when I posted Junie's Five Faves for Teething this week, I forgot to mention my phone cord - 

Who doesn't love this on the gums?

7.)  And lastly, the girls have been really starting to play wrestle together - 

June's bed = Wrestle Mania

Okay, that's the girls I hear.  I'm off, but thought I'd leave you all with a Valentine's card that keeps popping up on Facebook - 

Lovely, right?  But true, I guess :)

Now go and check out Jen and the others who are Quick Takin' it! 

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to say that image is not the Western saint Valentine of Rome! It is in fact St Valentin Sventitsky a New Russian Orthodox Martyr. It is the only icon like it - our monastery commissioned it many years ago by a local iconographer Gregory Melnick. We, the Orthodox Hermits of St. John the Divine, request that you honor the Russian Saint by removing it from the internet. cf.:

    Father Symeon salo


Gracias for saying Hola!