Friday, June 17, 2016

7 Quick Takes - Summertime, a Birthday, a Haircut, and DIY... Always DIY

Linking up with Kelly for 7 Quick Takes Friday!

June (who's napping next to me finally, which means I get to write this post) turned 3 this past weekend!
She had such a fun BATMAN family gathering
Sometimes it seems just like yesterday we brought her home from the hospital - 
Father's Day 3 years ago - June was a peanut and Addie Jo such a baby still! 
And other days, it seems like she's been here recking havoc forever -

Addie Jo, at 4, has yet to have a haircut (other than a little trim from grandma awhile back):

So it was definitely long over due for a cut; but, after the pool one night this week, when it was a rats' nest, I had to chop it.
She actually wanted it cut and was fine with it. I, on the other hand, was pretty sad!  All the light baby hair that she's had forever was gone!  Haha... she'd probably say, It's just hair, MOM!

We've had a pretty uneventful summer so far - my perfect idea of summer, actually!
Strawberry Picking! 

Mornings on the front porch - 
Playing with Sophie, our neighbor!

Swimming and eating snacks at grandma and grandpa's pool, too! 

I recently posted the final part of the stairwell makeover.  
And I have officially decided it was worth it! ;)
If you'd like to see the BEFORE and AFTER pics, click here!

A few months ago when Bill sanded down the used headboard I bought and then I stained it in white wash, Addie Jo told me I should paint the whole thing white.  
I guess she was right because I had to get my paintbrush out one day during naps and paint over the stain... 
It wasn't too bad initially, but a little "off" nonetheless... the wood read a little "pinky."

So SW Alabaster to the rescue!
I think I'll keep it like this for now! 

It took a little while but I posted the SOURCE LIST to the girls' bedroom this week.  So if you want to know where I bought or found something in their room, you can see it here.

 We moved June's dollhouse that she got for her birthday into the reading corner.  I'm glad I bought it used but it takes up a TON of space! 
It might just disappear soon... I said MIGHT ;)!

And lastly, go give Colleen, who is pregnant with her 7th!!! (and 6th boy) some love at Martin Family Moments.  She is awesome (and my favorite blogger), and would love to have you stop by! 

Happy Father's Day weekend everyone! 


  1. Cutting a bunch of hair off is always sad! Sometimes the curls or the color just never comes back.

    1. Oh no, don't tell me that! Haha, at least she likes it and Bill isn't mad ;)


Gracias for saying Hola!