Friday, November 15, 2013

7 Quick Takes FRIDAY

It's Friday eve and I'm writing my weekly 7 Quick Takes in advance.
Not typical of me usually ever.
So here we go; linking up with Jen and the gang like always!
Be prepared for lots of linking up in this one - and go give those links some love!

1.)  Number ONE.

I can't believe I didn't mention this last week in my Quick Takes, but my fabulous artist sister Katie got her blog up and rolling!
She has been tweaking it for awhile and I'm so glad it's finally up!
She is an awesome artist and not only is posting reflections about her "process," but has beautiful work to view as well, like her AMAZING ROSARIES.

And then here is a great recent post about our DAD. - go check her out!  

Yea, Kate!

2.)  Okay, so there's this thing called ONLINE SHOPPING.
You may have heard of it.
You may have heard of it to the point where sites pretty much pay you to shop them.
Me, on the other hand, not so much.  
I've been living under a rock diapers.

Nice to meet you, ONLINE SHOPPING.  
You've never heard of me until last week but I sure am glad we met.
We've only known each other for a few days and I hope to keep our relationship going so that this only has to happen every so often... 
ALTHOUGH I do hope that my excitedness wears off a bit so that I'm not spending 3 hours every night with you rather than sleeping. 

In all seriousness, my life has been changed!!!
Here's an example
I just ordered the girls this little tent castle as a shared gift from us for Christmas.
I'm not always a fan of Kohls, unless there are huge sales, but it was half off and then I searched online and found two promo codes - one for free shipping and one for 30% off.  
So it totaled to $15.  
Other sites were selling it for AS MUCH AS $30 - $70 with shipping. Crazy.

And I didn't have to leave the house.  

Now the question is, where will we put it???  

Dog DEFINITELY not included!

Okay, I couldn't help myself, but enough with the someecards…

3.) I got one of my Christmas presents this past weekend - to go on the Midtown Holiday Home Tour in our neighborhood in Indy.  It's just a chance to walk though old houses that have been decorated for Christmas and learn about their history - doesn't sound like my favorite thing at all ;).
I'm a dork, I know.
No pictures were allowed but I got a shot of this cool car parked behind the Booth Tarkington house:

It's parked in front of the Booth Tarkington CARRIAGE HOUSE.

"A two-time Pulitzer prizewinner, Booth Tarkington earned wealth from his novels based on Indiana families and their surroundings, such as The Magnificent Ambersons. Tarkington described the houses in his neighborhood as having a “picture book house” appearance."

4.) June's first tooth broke through this week, actually on her 5 month bday, and she's not very happy about this teething thing… and doesn't make us very happy about it either, but what are you gonna do? 
Bill has had to deal with her SCREAMING UNCONTROLLABLY twice this week -
of course once while I was at the grocery store, today. OF COURSE!!!
How does something like grocery shopping give me SO MUCH ANXIETY???
And then once while I was taking a 20 minute walk AFTER the girls were already supposed to be down for the night!  
Oh goodness, at least she's a keeper! 

*Oops, I said I was done with these…

Looks like Addie has teeth, too.  Maybe I'll be a better teether than she was... 
Fingers crossed. 

5.) I had the lovely ladies in Small Group over on Tuesday and we are reading this awesome book that Katie chose - 

and she brought these AMAZING SNACKS with her- 

Utz SnowBalls, which were fitting because it SNOWED this week! 

I have to hide them from Addie Jo. 

And me. 


6.)  We are finally getting around to giving our good friend Andy the letters for June's name plaque.  He is such a talented comic book artist and illustrator.  
Go check him out on etsy.
We've come up with a some, but any ideas for the June's letters?


This is Addie's, above her crib in the girls' room.
June's will go on the opposite wall, above her crib.

Andy is amazing, right? Sorry, the glare does not do it justice!

And here's his daughters', Audrey's - 

And go check others out here

7.) And I thought I'd end with a pic for those of you who have boys and all their boys' things around.

It's hard for AJ to share but we're working on it! 

I know some of you can't imagine this in your house!

Lots of love this chilly November weekend! 


  1. Online shopping+a big mug of coffee=The. Best. Ever.

    Is it not?? Glad you are joining the club. : )

    And that Princess castle?? Hours and hours of fun in this house too.

    I cant imagine my house without Little People Princess having a grand ball with Woody and Buzz. : )

    Happy Weekend, my friend!

    1. Haha, I love that you guys have that princess castle (and love that Flynn still plays with it which means we have a few more years with this toy). AND we are getting a few more little people toys from Santa this year ;)

  2. Online shopping is my favorite, so welcome to that world and be careful :-) I try for free shipping as much as possible. How fun that you guys did the Holiday Home Tour, I've always wanted to do that, but never have. I love that we almost have identical rugs, yours in the play room, is ours in the dining room.

    1. Yes, I remember that you mentioned the rug thing when you and Evan walked over this summer! And the home tour is a treat! Loved that we got a free ticket, too!
      And online shopping - yes - it was so fun to search for the best deals, free shipping, etc…. now if I could only give that much effort to many of the other things in my life!
      PS - I think I'll be walking to Zest from here on Wednesday for girls' night if you want to join!


Gracias for saying Hola!